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Stirling helps Western Locomotive Association with Business Planning…

Very pleased to have helped the Western Locomotive Association develop a three year business plan where it is planned to double the membership from 300 to 600. The business plan is 15 pages long and includes an Executive Summary, Mission, History & Background, Company Values, Critical Success Factors, Sales, Marketing, SWOT Analysis, Grand Strategy, Company…

Stirling offers FREE Zoom Meetings to Business Owners!

Zoom Meetings for Buying or Selling a Business, Business Valuations and Business Funding If you are a UK based business owner and new to buying or selling a business, you might want to know what’s involved before making important decisions, such as making an offer or committing to an agreement to sell. Take advantage of our…

Stirling’s Carbon Footprint Policy

In an effort to help the environment, Stirling supports a carbon off-set plan by planting trees within a Corporate Grove at Trees for Life, supporting wild forest revitalisation in the Highlands of Scotland. From May 2021, we have sponsored the planting of 36 trees each year, to help off-set 9.12 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide, our…

Taxation Implications of Selling a Business

Selling a Company – Share Sale or Asset Sale? If you are selling a Company, the two main options* to be considered are either: selling the Company shares (referred to as a “Share Sale” which normally includes all the assets and liabilities) or you may wish to sell just the business with its Assets, Name…

Business Valuations – why have them?

Business Valuations – why have them? Many business owners have no idea how much their business is actually worth – certainly the ones we talk to anyway! And it’s not really surprising as there’s a lot of miss-information about how businesses are valued and then there are some brokers who grossly over-value businesses without any…

Manufacturing Business Sold!

We are very pleased to announce the sale completion of one of our manufacturing businesses for sale. The business was marketed for 8 months culminating in two alternative and potentially acceptable deals being received, both within the same week! The chosen acquirer was UK based and was able to fund 70% of the consideration, paid…

Adjusted EBITDA Multiples – Risk Factors that affect Value

Business valuations using EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation & Amortisation) is a widely used profit related valuation method. When EBITDA is employed in valuing a business, it needs to be “adjusted” which should include any “add-backs” as part of the “normalising adjustments” which will typically take into account of items such as: Below fair…

Due Diligence for Engineering & Manufacturing Businesses

Due Diligence for Engineering & Manufacturing Businesses – an Overview A due diligence exercise or audit is usually carried out as part of the acquisition process to ensure that the business appears to be what the owner(s) say or believe it to be and to make sure that the price offered truly reflects the benefits…

Help needed for Heritage Railway Engineering Project – Bogie Overhaul D1013 Western Ranger

Could you be of help for an exciting new heritage railway engineering project? It concerns a bogie overhaul for a former British Rail main line Class 52 diesel hydraulic locomotive – D1013 Western Ranger, which is based on the Severn Valley Railway, under the care of volunteers from the Western Locomotive Association (a registered charity)….

Selling a business? Zoom in on the experts for free help & advice

Thinking of selling a business at some point in the future?  There’s never a time too soon to start to think things through. Not just for the sale of the business but from a personal perspective too!  But before you place the business on the market, have you thought through some of the following: How…