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Finding the Right Options for a New Career or Business

Like it or not, we all need to earn money to live, unless we’ve inherited it or won it! Money doesn’t make us happy, but it gives us CHOICE – it helps determine where we can live, the type of property we can live in, the holidays we take, the food we eat, the car we…

A business Xmas gift for less than £20, which could save you a fortune…!

Looking to sell your business after Xmas, next year or maybe just a few years later? Are you worried about the costs of selling your business? How will you know whether any offers made are realistic or not? Should you use a Broker to find a Buyer? Confused at the thought of selling your business?…

Sale of another Manufacturing Business Agreed!

Sale of another Manufacturing Business Agreed! We are very pleased to announce the share sale of another one of our manufacturing businesses for sale. This is a niche business marketed by Stirling who dealt with over 60 potential purchasers, with a deal being concluded with a trade related buyer, with similar synergy. The deal was…

Sale of Engineering Business Agreed!

Sale of Engineering Business Agreed! We are very pleased to announce the share sale of one of our engineering businesses for sale. The business was marketed by Stirling for 7 months, (starting from January 2020), dealing with 28 enquiries and three serious buyers. The chosen acquirer was a UK based private equity buyer with the…

Sale of Manufacturing Business Agreed!

We are very pleased to announce the sale of one of our manufacturing businesses for sale. The business was marketed for 8 months culminating in two alternative and potentially acceptable deals being received, both within the same week! The chosen acquirer was UK based with the ability to fund 70% of the consideration payable on…

How much is my business worth to a Buyer and can I afford to Sell?

It is often said that “a business is worth as much as someone is prepared to pay for it”. But do you know how much a Buyer might pay for your business? Well, it all depends….! Any offer for a business for sale will depend not only on the perceived Value to the Buyer but…

Finance for Management Buy Outs (MBOs)

In recent years, Management Buy Outs (MBOs)  have become more popular as a way of selling a business, with a number of key advantages, which must be weighed up against the potential pitfalls. Rather than have to go to the marketplace, the buyer has instantly been found and confidentiality can easily be contained in-house, which…

Raising Finance for Acquisitions – Leveraged Buy Outs (LBO’s)

Raising Finance for Acquisitions Surprisingly, most SME business owners (approx. 70%) only look to their bank when looking for a loan to acquire a business. (Source: British Business Bank). There are two types of borrowing: Secured and Unsecured Borrowing. Unfortunately, in general, most banks do not support acquisitions for SMEs, unless there is additional security,…

Shareholders Agreements – why have them?

Running a business was never meant to be easy, not least with so many stakeholders to try and please, such as family members, partners, staff, customers, suppliers, banks, other lenders and of course, shareholders. Taking the last group – shareholders, many business owners run into problems when individual expectations (and business friendships) have taken different…

Victory in Europe Day

Today, Friday, 8th May is Victory in Europe Day, generally known as VE Day, which celebrates the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender of its armed forces on 8th May 1945. In a way, it’s a good reminder of what everyone had to put up with before…